李老师 Miss Li

关于teacher关于好老师关于李老师关于语文老师 My Chinese teacher is Miss Li, she is very nice. The first day I saw her, I like her. Miss Li is good at teaching us, she will tell us the story to catch our attention. At her class, all the students listen to h...
关于teacher关于好老师关于李老师关于语文老师 My Chinese teacher is Miss Li, she is very nice. The first day I saw her, I like her. Miss Li is good at teaching us, she will tell us the story to catch our attention. At her class, all the students listen to her carefully, because we don’t want to miss every word. Miss Li is also patient, she will answer all the questions. Miss Li is a good teacher.


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上一篇 03-05
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  • 李老师 Miss Li

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