练习书法的好处The Advantages of Practicing Calligraphy

关于书法关于画画关于艺术 In our nation, calligraphy has always been considered as one of the most significant arts. And we are advocated practicing calligraphy when we are children for that we can get some benefits from it.在我国,书法一直都被誉为最重要的...

In our nation, calligraphy has always been considered as one of the most significant arts. And we are advocated practicing calligraphy when we are children for that we can get some benefits from it.
In the first place, it is obvious that practicing calligraphy is of great help to improve our handwriting. Improving our handwriting is very important in that our handwriting can reflect some information about our characteristics. Second, practicing calligraphy can settle our minds and soften our moods. When we are anxious or upset, practicing calligraphy can make us calm down and turn to be rational so that we would not do something impulsive. Finally, practicing calligraphy is a good way to improve our ability of appreciation. By practicing different kinds of calligraphies, we can get knowledge of characters of various calligraphies, compare them with each other and learn to appreciate them. In this process, we are able to develop a good eye for beauty.
In a word, practicing calligraphy is definitely advantageous. In addition, we can learn to be persistent from practicing calligraphy because keeping practicing it needs a great willpower and persistence.


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