爸爸的爱Father’s Love

关于father关于父爱关于父爱如山关于爸爸的爱 My father is quiet, when we are at home, he alwaysreads newspaper and less talk to me. Unlike my mother, she takes care of me allthe time, my father never shows his love to me. One day, I fall off the bikeand get...

My father is quiet, when we are at home, he alwaysreads newspaper and less talk to me. Unlike my mother, she takes care of me allthe time, my father never shows his love to me. One day, I fall off the bikeand get hurt, when my father comes home, he buys me a lot of medicine. I feelhis love now.



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上一篇 03-04
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  • 爸爸的爱Father’s Love

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