我的读书故事 My Story about Reading Books

关于网络小说改编关于阅读的重要性 I love reading books so much, especially the novel. When I was very small, my parents bought me a lot of cartoon books, because they wanted to attract my interest at the young age. Thanks to my parents, I was very interest...
关于网络小说改编关于阅读的重要性 I love reading books so much, especially the novel. When I was very small, my parents bought me a lot of cartoon books, because they wanted to attract my interest at the young age. Thanks to my parents, I was very interested in reading. At first, I didn't know those words, but I liked to watch the funny pictures and learned to figure out the meaning. When I went to primary school, I was so eager to learn more words, so that I could read more books. Then I fell in love with novel books. I found the world was so amazing and there maybe aliens in the space. The novels books provided me the great imagination and let me have so many inspiration in creating works. So I tried to write a novel book and it is still working. My parents will be my first readers.


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