雪人 Snowman

关于travel关于冬天关于挑战关于旅游关于雪人 Many friends of mine who study in the north upload a lot of interesting pictures about snowmen on their personal blogs. Born in the south and bred in the south; I never ever have a chance to see snow. I think the...

Many friends of mine who study in the north upload a lot of interesting pictures about snowmen on their personal blogs. Born in the south and bred in the south; I never ever have a chance to see snow. I think they must have fun when they made a snowman. I really envy them. Every time I tell my parents we should go to the north for Spring Festival but they don’t agree (my father has some relations in Shanxi where snows every year) they think we could get sick because of the cold weather. Maybe someday I can travel to the north by myself.

I know that the cultural in the north is totally different from south. In south, we almost eat everything, while in the north, people staple food is wheat. I hear that they eat noodles all the time. I don’t know it’s true or not. I just want to travel to there to test it by myself. In my opinion, traveling alone or with my friends to the north is quite a challenge for me. I wish i can save enough money, so I can go there to see the view of the north.我有很多在南方读书的朋友,他们都在个人博客上上传了关于雪人的照片。生长在南方,我从未见过雪。我觉得堆雪人的时候一定很好玩。我很羡慕他们。每次我告诉我的父母我们应该去南方过年时,他们却不愿意。(父亲有兄弟在陕西,那里每年都下雪)。他们认为如果去北方的话会因为寒冷而生病。也许某一天我会自己去北方旅游。我认为北方的文化和南方的完全不一样。在南方,我们基本上什么都可以作为食材。而在北方,人们的主食则是面粉。我听说他们总是吃面条。我不知道这是否是真的还是假的。我想自己去北方旅游,然后看看这是否为真。在我看来,独自一人或者与朋友去北方是种挑战。我希望我能存到足够的钱,然后去体验北方的风景。


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