贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人受伤Beckham Visited Tongji University Causing Stampede Acciden

关于 David Beckham关于accident关于activity关于意外关于活动关于贝克汉姆 Beckham visit Tongji University on June 20th.He is scheduled to Tongji Universityplayground to interact with Tongji team and Shen Xin youth team. However, thescene has been out of cont...
关于 David Beckham关于accident关于activity关于意外关于活动关于贝克汉姆

Beckham visit Tongji University on June 20th.He is scheduled to Tongji Universityplayground to interact with Tongji team and Shen Xin youth team. However, thescene has been out of control before it starts because there are huge crowds offans there, some climb trees, some turn on the wall, and the guards maintainorder hand in hand. As the onlookers at the scene are too excited, there happensstampede. Students, staff and police are injured to varying degrees. As aresult, the activity is forced to cancel. David Beckham arriving there to left isless than five minutes. According to reports, there are at least five or sixpeople injured.


David Beckham arrives at the scene, with great popularity.The reporter at the scene sees the scene is packed with fans and audience. Thereare about a thousand people. Many people climb to the top of the building towatch, or climb over the wall to the stadium. The scene is out of control.


David Beckhamresponds to the iccident through Xinlang blog in4:39 p.m. I had an incredible response from everyone at Shanghai TongjiUniversity today; sorry I couldn't get out on the pitch to see the teams .Itwas impossible to get through the massive crowds. I heard there were a fewinjuries, hope the fans are ok and I wish them a speed recovery.



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