世界防治荒漠化和干旱日 World Day to Combat Desertification

关于保护环境关于环境污染 Desertification is a process. In many parts of the world, the desert is spreading and the experts have tired to find all the ways to stop the cropland from being desert. In order to call for the public's attention to fight against...
关于保护环境关于环境污染 Desertification is a process. In many parts of the world, the desert is spreading and the experts have tired to find all the ways to stop the cropland from being desert. In order to call for the public's attention to fight against desertification, June 17th has been named World Day to Combat Desertification.

Desertification is a serious problem. In the northern part of China, many areas have become desert and the local farmers have lost their farmlands, which makes them suffer great economic loss. As the environment loses the green part, if this situation keeps spreading, then human being will face the great challenge to make a living.

The fight against the desert needs everyone's action. Experts have tried to invent new technology to return the wasted land green. While for the ordinary people, we should have the consciousness of protecting the environment any time, such as do not throw the rubbish away. We should also make an effort to plant more trees.

Now with effort that people make together, the desertification in our country is no longer spread, which is such inspiring news. In the coming future, we hope to return the world more green.


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