家的味道 Taste of Home

关于family关于冰箱关于幸福生活 What is the taste of home? Before I lodgein school dormitory, I never think of this question. But, now I know what thetaste of home is as I have lived in school for a month. I miss the deliciousfood cooked by my mother and h...

What is the taste of home? Before I lodgein school dormitory, I never think of this question. But, now I know what thetaste of home is as I have lived in school for a month. I miss the deliciousfood cooked by my mother and her endless chatter. My father sits in the middleof the hall watching TV. The fight between my two younger brothers and the icecream in the refrigerator make me feel warm. All these make a house a family. Andit is the taste of home in my mind.



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