中国歌手打进美国音乐市场?Chinese Singers Get Into American Musical Market?

关于中国人关于中国歌手关于尴尬关于音乐 This is a good news for Chinese singers, it is said that there will be a Chinese music group and a man invited to performance in the American famous music show. It sounds so inspiring, it seems that Chinese music has...
关于中国人关于中国歌手关于尴尬关于音乐 This is a good news for Chinese singers, it is said that there will be a Chinese music group and a man invited to performance in the American famous music show. It sounds so inspiring, it seems that Chinese music has been introduced into American market. While the fact is not, the invited Chinese singers only get their performance when the advertisement time comes, it is so awkward, they are given the unimportant time. Chinese music still not get into the American musical market, American people just want to catch Chinese people’s attention and go into Chinese market, so they invited the Chinese singers. I believe that our Chinese music will get be popular around the world some day.


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