如果植入记忆芯片 If Memory Chip were Implanted

关于Memory Chip关于remember关于忘记关于记忆芯片 I have a bad memory, when my mother asks me something, I will always forget and can’t remember it. As the improvement of the high technology, it is said that people can be implanted the memory chip, which i...
关于Memory Chip关于remember关于忘记关于记忆芯片 I have a bad memory, when my mother asks me something, I will always forget and can’t remember it. As the improvement of the high technology, it is said that people can be implanted the memory chip, which is very helpful to keep record of everything. It seems so perfect for the person like me, I can think of all the things. But for some people who have gone through the disasters, they choose to forget about the bad time so as to live the happy life. The memory chip preserves happiness and sorrow. Thinking about these, I don’t want to implant the memory chip, we choose to remember the best time and forget about the unhappy hour.


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