东莞遭冰雹袭击 Dongguang was Attacked by Hail

关于Dongguang关于hail关于natural disaster关于东莞关于冰雹关于自然灾害 According to the report of Guangdong provincialcivil affairs bureau,some towns and streets of Dongguan appear aroundlevel 8 thunderstorms and strong precipitation. And then followed the...
关于Dongguang关于hail关于natural disaster关于东莞关于冰雹关于自然灾害

According to the report of Guangdong provincialcivil affairs bureau,some towns and streets of Dongguan appear aroundlevel 8 thunderstorms and strong precipitation. And then followed the hail. As aresult, there were nine people died, because of the collapse of buildings and 148people hurt. Among the 148 people, there are 11 people were in danger. Specificcircumstances still need further verification statistics.


Beasides, according to the report of Fujianprovincial civil affairs bureau, when make, Xia Dao town, Yanping District of Nanping city appeared shortstorm, causing a ferry sank at 9 a.m. on March 20th. Until 2 a.m. onMarch 21st it has caused 3 deaths, 12 missing (The specific number is still infurther verification)



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