我和妈妈去买菜 Go to the Market with Mother

关于学习关于生活关于讨价还价关于记叙文 Thismorning, I got up early to go to the market with my mother. Mother said that I havegrown up and I must learn to cook. Buying foods in the market is the first stepbecause good sources are important. When we got to...

Thismorning, I got up early to go to the market with my mother. Mother said that I havegrown up and I must learn to cook. Buying foods in the market is the first stepbecause good sources are important. When we got to the market, there were manypeople. Mother chose our foods and told me how to choose good ones. Besides, Imust learn how to bargain with sellers. Actually, it was not so easy, becausethe seller wants to sell a high price but buyers want to buy goods in lowprice. Finally, we bought vegetables, meet and fishes. I learned much but I thinkI still need to learn more. Next time, I’d like to go to the market with motheragain.



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  • 我和妈妈去买菜 Go to the Market with Mother

    关于学习关于生活关于讨价还价关于记叙文 Thismorning, I got up early to go to the market with my mother. Mother said that I havegrown up and I must learn to cook. Buying foods in the market is the first stepbecause good sources are important. When we got to

    2023-03-01 11:08:01
    234 0



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