如何正确关爱孩子 How to Care for Children in a Right Way

关于健康成长关于掌上明珠关于梦想与现实 Children always are the apple of theirparents’ eyes. With the improving of people’s living standard, the society andparents provide a more privileged life for the children. For a child, he mayexperience no frustrat...

Children always are the apple of theirparents’ eyes. With the improving of people’s living standard, the society andparents provide a more privileged life for the children. For a child, he mayexperience no frustration until he grows up. So, some people point out ifchildren living in such circumstance, they may be unfit for the brutalcompetitive society. How to care for children in a right way becomes a hotdebate. I have two suggestions for this question.


First of all, parents should let theirchildren go. Everyone is unique in the world and everyone has their ownthought. Although parents care for their children, they can’t arrangeeverything for their children. Besides, maybe what they arrange is not thething that their children want. They have their own way to go and they have toface everything by themselves one day. Why not let them grow up little bylittle? Spoiling children can provide a non-polluted environment for them fromthe appearance, but in fact, it will increase the difficulty for them in theirlater life. So parents need to let their children walk on their own, instead oftrying to hold their hands at every turn.


In addition, parents should listen to theirchildren. Though children’s thought is immature to the adult, they need tolisten to their children, so that they can understand what the children wantand need. This is a good way to treat people. If parents only put their thought onchildren without asking anything, it is the way to treat animals. And ifparents understand their children’s thought, they can lead them in a proper wayto make children grow up healthily.


In summary, using the proper to care forchildren is necessary. It can really help children grow up healthily.



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