即将到来的世界杯 The Coming of The World Cup

关于世界杯关于世界足球日关于足球 December 9th is World Football Day, it reminds people of the coming of the World Cup. Football is popular all around the world, in our country, there are many teenagers playing football. The year of 2014, there will be a f...

December 9th is World Football Day, it reminds people of the coming of the World Cup. Football is popular all around the world, in our country, there are many teenagers playing football. The year of 2014, there will be a famous world football match game, the most excellent football players will get together, fighting for the biggest honor for their country. The last champion team is Spanish, they are one of the strongest teams of the world, Brazilis the most famous team, they have won many times, makingBrazilthe strongest one. When the World Cup begins, people will focus their attention on the match, what a lively situation. Are you ready for the big day?



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  • 世界杯之我见 My View on World Cup

    关于世界杯关于我看世界杯关于足球关于足球联赛 Recently, I believe there is nothing can as popular as the World Cup. The people around you talk about the football match, the computer you open is full of message about the match or the football player, and ev

    2023-03-05 01:28:01
    762 0
  • 即将到来的世界杯 The Coming of The World Cup

    关于世界杯关于世界足球日关于足球 December 9th is World Football Day, it reminds people of the coming of the World Cup. Football is popular all around the world, in our country, there are many teenagers playing football. The year of 2014, there will be a f

    2023-03-02 21:51:01
    705 0



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