梦想和现实Dream and Reality

关于兴趣关于心态关于理想关于精神动力 When we are children, there arelots of people ask about our dreams, and our answers most are doctors, policemen,teachers etc. But when we grow up, we have to face the reality, not everyonewould realize childhood dreams...

When we are children, there arelots of people ask about our dreams, and our answers most are doctors, policemen,teachers etc. But when we grow up, we have to face the reality, not everyonewould realize childhood dreams, and some of these dreams even are unrealistic whichwill never be able to achieve. Therefore, we need correctly treat therelationship between dream and reality.


First of all, dream is thespiritual power to encourage people progress. Napoleon once said: “He is a badsoldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general”. In the process of growing up,we must want to give up our purpose when encounter difficulties, and at the moment,dreams would be the power for us to insist on.


Second, reality is areflection of the real environment. Many people think dream is heaven, and realityis hell, but in my opinion, reality is a double-edged sword which makes us keepa sense of crisis. When young people addicted to the unpractical dreams,reality would awaken them which would avoid them make wrong judgment.


In my opinion, both dream andreality are important, young people can't ignore one of them. The most criticalthing in life is using positive attitude to face the constantly changingsociety, and strive to cultivate interests, which will be easier to succeed.



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