旅游景点的保护和拯救 Protection and Rescue of Tourist Attractions

关于保护旅游景物关于文化遗产的消失关于文明旅游 Over the past decades, we have seen a conspicuously soaring number of international tourists visiting a diversity of tourist attractions. At the same time, I am despondent to discover that the positions of cu...

Over the past decades, we have seen a conspicuously soaring number of international tourists visiting a diversity of tourist attractions. At the same time, I am despondent to discover that the positions of cultural heritages and natural attractions are jeopardized severely.

在过去的几十年间,我们已经可以看到参观各种各样旅游景点的旅客数目显著地急剧增长。与此同时,我很伤心的看到文化遗产和自然景区正遭受着严重的损害。According to a recent report conducted by Thames, the well-known vacation resort-- Mediterranean is getting close to a toilet, posing a disastrous hazard of getting infected by bacteria to visitors who swim in the sea. What’s more deleterious, the famous fresco and sculptures in Sistine Cathedral located in Vatican was eroded and rotten by heat emitted from visitors. Apart from that, compared with the number that 14 people went down the Colorado River in USA twenty years ago, the present visitors aggregate to over one thousand, making the river much more congested.根据泰晤士报最新的数据,妇孺皆知的度假胜地-地中海正在变成像是一个无法冲水的马桶,因为它使得在其中游泳的旅客有被细菌感染的威胁。更加严重的是,梵蒂冈大教堂中著名的壁画和雕塑正在被游客散发出的热量所腐蚀。除此之外,20年前美国的科罗拉多河上每天只有14个人顺流而下,相比之下如今这一数据已经超过了一千,使得科罗拉多河变得极其拥挤。It is high time that we should place some regulations to protect tourist attractions. The primary proposal came up in my mind is that, local government should carry out more rigid laws banning misbehavior in tourist attractions such as doodling and spitting arbitrarily. In the second place, it is undeniable that restriction on the number of tourists can make a difference. Keeping the flow of visitors under control will undoubtedly exert beneficial influence on cultural heritages such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.现在真的是我们应当出台保护旅游景点管理条例的时候了。我脑中浮现的第一个解决措施就是让当地的政府出台更加严格的法律条例来惩治旅游景点内旅客的品行不端,如随手涂鸦和随地吐痰。第二,可以肯定的说限制旅客数量也会产生重大意义。保持旅客数量在控制范围之内必然会对诸如紫禁城,长城这类文化遗产祈祷好的影响。Last but not least, the rising awareness of acting morally is also a necessity. Only with more citizens attaching crucial significance to the living condition of tourist attractions can we solve this conundrum from its foundation.最后但不是最次要的一点是人们增强文明表现的意识也必不可少。只有当更多的公民能重视旅游景点的现状,我们才能真正从根本上解决这一问题。


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