充实而有意义的一天 A Rich and Meaningful Day

关于孤儿院关于礼物关于面包店 Today, I had a rich and meaningful day. Mymother opened a bakery. She was very kind-hearted. She promised the children inthe orphanage to bake for them today. My mother asked me to help. When we bakedall the bread, we brought...

Today, I had a rich and meaningful day. Mymother opened a bakery. She was very kind-hearted. She promised the children inthe orphanage to bake for them today. My mother asked me to help. When we bakedall the bread, we brought all of them to the orphanage. This was the first timeI went to orphanage. I thought I couldn’t forget the smile on the children’sface when they saw us. They were as happy as birds. They accepted the breadjust as a gift from the heaven. Compared with them, I felt that I was so happy.Thanks to my parents that I can have such happy life. I loved them. I willtreasure more my life in the future.



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