我不喜欢写作 I Dislike Writing

关于兴趣关于写作关于厌恶关于感想关于逆反 Mymom is a teacher of my school who teaches Chinese. Since I was little, shetaught me how to read and write. She was always strict with me and now is thesame. After I could read, she told me to keep a diary every d...

Mymom is a teacher of my school who teaches Chinese. Since I was little, shetaught me how to read and write. She was always strict with me and now is thesame. After I could read, she told me to keep a diary every day. At first, itwas simple. I just wrote about the weather and what I did that day. Gradually, Imust write something of my own feelings. Sometimes, after I read an essay or abook, I should write a summary or reaction to the essay or book. I find it’sgood to my study and my writing skill is the best in my class. Almost everytime, my articles are considered as the model version in my class. However, I dislikewriting after have been writing for so many years. Even worse, I feel like I can’twrite any longer. Sometimes, I note down nothing when I grab the pen in hand. That’smakes me upset.



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