婚姻和房子Marriage And House

关于婚姻和房子关于婚姻观关于真爱 Nowadays,when a couple get married, the first they do is to get enough money to buy a house. In China, it seems that marriage means having a house, it is reported that a newly married couple got divorced because their par...
关于婚姻和房子关于婚姻观关于真爱 Nowadays,when a couple get married, the first they do is to get enough money to buy a house. In China, it seems that marriage means having a house, it is reported that a newly married couple got divorced because their parents didn’t figure out the legal name of the house.Does marriage must plus with house, I don’t think so.


It is common that when people get married that they must endow with a house, it is because house brings the couple the sense of secure. Having a house means they are settled, even they are fired from the work, they don’t have to worry about where to live. People own their sense of secure to the house. Marriage brings sense of secure, too, so people think a house is a must.


We see the true that today people endow the house with too much emotion. Sometime they even marry for the house, the value of true love is being distorted, people no more put the love in the first place, they consider the house the most important thing. So if there are two guys chasing for a girl, there is no doubt that the guy who owns a house wins. What a terrible thing.


On my opinion, true love is nothing with the house, marriage is on the basis of love, house is not a must for the marriage.



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