越南新娘走红时Vietnamese Bride is Popping Up

关于marriage关于幸福关于跨国婚姻 Currently there is a widespread concern on Vietnamese bride. With the increasing number of Chinese single male, more and more bachelor consider it would be a wonderful choose to get rid of single life. When it comes to thi...
关于marriage关于幸福关于跨国婚姻 Currently there is a widespread concern on Vietnamese bride. With the increasing number of Chinese single male, more and more bachelor consider it would be a wonderful choose to get rid of single life. When it comes to this matter, different people have different views, some people think that it might illegal, and surely there must be some potential problems, while others argue that it is an excellent solution to single man. For me, I agree with the latter.
On the one hand, with the rapidly increases of material standard of living, most girls won’t get married with someone who can’t buy a house, and some of them would also require a fancy car. Especially the uptown girl, they are too difficult to be satisfied for a normal man who are in their early 25s. However, many parents would put lots of pressures to their son if they get married late, like 30. Hence, if there are ways to get married with a girl who don’t care too much about the material life, why don’t we choose it?
On the other hand, marry to a Vietnam girl can be a good way to get familiar with their culture and custom. Certainly, these international marriage can be beneficial to transnational cultural exchange and communication, and it can strengthen the ties between China and Vietnam.
To sum up, marry to a Vietnamese bride can decrease the number of Chinese bachelor, and it can strengthen the relationship between China and Vietnam at the same time. It can’t be bad.


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