图书馆使用规章 Rules for Library Use

关于图书馆关于管理关于规则 Library is of great use for students and some students reflect that library management is a little confusing. In order to keep our library in a good order, we make some rules of borrowing books and library use.图书馆对学生有很大...

Library is of great use for students and some students reflect that library management is a little confusing. In order to keep our library in a good order, we make some rules of borrowing books and library use.


(1) The library opens from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M..

(2) Everyone must use his own card to borrow books.

(3) Everyone can only borrow three books from the library once.

(4) Each book can be kept for a month. Ifit has to be keptlonger,it'srequired to renew it.

(5) If the books lost, the borrower must pay for them.

(6) Some important books are not allowed to be taken out of the library. If they are needed, they can beborrowedread in the library.







We hope that all students can obey these rules strictly.



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