一个美妙的梦 A Wonderful Dream

关于梦与现实关于美妙的梦 Last night, I hada wonderful dream. In the dream, I rode my bike in a country road. On the bothsides of the road, there are many trees. And these trees all have differentfruits, apples, pears, oranges, bananas and many other fruit...

Last night, I hada wonderful dream. In the dream, I rode my bike in a country road. On the bothsides of the road, there are many trees. And these trees all have differentfruits, apples, pears, oranges, bananas and many other fruits. The fruits areripe. I can get them on the bike. They are delicious. I eat many fruits and I amfull. And then, I go back home. I tell the story to my mother, but she doesn’tbelieve me. Then, I woke up.



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