我的未来不是梦英语演讲稿Look to the direction of a dream

关于dream关于future关于speech draft关于未来关于梦想关于演讲稿 Look to the direction of a dream仰望,向有梦想的方向Has the geometric effect? Heart of the dream becomes a vague memory;曾几何起?心中的梦变成了模糊的记忆;Has the geometric effect? Vague memor...
关于dream关于future关于speech draft关于未来关于梦想关于演讲稿

Look to the direction of a dream


Has the geometric effect? Heart of the dream becomes a vague memory;


Has the geometric effect? Vague memories of the cruel reality break;


Has the geometric effect? When the reality came before, I was caught off guard.

曾几何起?当现实来到面前时,我措手不及。The future, the future ... my future is there?


A distant memory, a childhood dream had always hurt me seem numb mind. Say that "seems" because I could today, but also in the "My Future Is Not a Dream" Essay competitions, but also with my handwriting that I am the double slow bitter mood. I think if I can re-evoke the feelings of my characters fighting words, but also tour worthwhile past few months I thought of life. If these words all of us little good to say.


Alas! I have nothing to say, let the tears on behalf of all right!


Very young, I like reading. .


Like reading a book on Zhou Enlai. Because I like to Premier Zhou was a great personality, honorable life, the noble, in his body in particular. He did not honor their own gains and losses, along with his ashes were scattered into the rivers of the earth mother. His country, the people, together with his single-minded love is, unchangeable unwavering.


Therefore, in the depths of my mind, had determined to do a great man, as an example the Prime Minister to the Prime Minister, "China's rise as" ideal for the ideal.


Also like to read about Zhang Haidi and Zhang Haidi write a book, from these books read between the lines, I can always find a word - strong. Zhang Heidi's life is unfortunate, but fortunate.

还喜欢读关于张海迪和张海迪写的书,从这些书的字里行间,我总能找到两个字——坚强。张海迪的一生是不幸的,但又是幸运的。Unfortunately, she was seriously ill since childhood, is also lucky because her childhood ill health. Because he's a bad, plus his strong achievements in the future before her. Just think, if she has been and is a strong body like you and me who, if you think her chances of success will be how much? In fact, ask yourself this question we know, then please at this time to seriously think about our own it!

不幸的是她从小身患重病,幸运的同样是因为她从小就重病在身。正因为他的幸与不幸,再加上他的坚强,才成就了日后的她。试想,如果她一直就是一个和你我一样的身体健壮者,那么大家想想她成功的几率会有多大?其实这个问题我们想想自己就知道了,那么请就在这个时刻认真思考一下我们自己吧!Yes, Heidi is a noble Zhang ordinary. I have also tried to be an ordinary person of success, through strong, through the struggle to create an extraordinary themselves, to create a world out of their own.


But now, now I do it? What did I do to make my dreams come true?

可是,现在,到现在我做了什么呢?我做了什么去实现我的梦想呢?I am brave fight for scholarships first, yes, I got. One semester, two semesters... I is the first semester.
为了奖学金我勇争第一,是的,我得到了。一学期,两学期。。。我每学期都是第一。To a certain honor, I am struggling to run. Yes, I have been, the President, ministers, 'You dry''Miyoshi', honor covered with the body.

This is the highest it?


Suddenly, I turned to smile, contemptuous smile.


This high I'd better not: so tired.


Or do a real self better, do not take money, honor indisputable. Class sleep all, want to go to the overnight, like skipping ran away. That I do not noble it? Does not matter.



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