中国速度 Chinese Speed

关于中国的力量关于真正的中国 It is known to all that Chinese economy develops so fast that it has made some breakthroughs. Nowadays, when foreigners come to China, they are surprised by its new face. Before they come here, they think China is old and poor...
关于中国的力量关于真正的中国 It is known to all that Chinese economy develops so fast that it has made some breakthroughs. Nowadays, when foreigners come to China, they are surprised by its new face. Before they come here, they think China is old and poor, just as what they see in the news. But China’s new buildings finish very quickly and many modern buildings surprise the foreigners. Chinese speed always presents in other sides, such as people's life standard. With more incomes, people have the money to find amusement. Chinese tourists are everywhere and they even promote the world's economy. To attract more Chinese tourists, some countries let their staffs learn Chinese, so as to win more customers. China plays an important role in the world and we are so proud of being part of it.


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