一些具有哲理的英文经典台词(二)Some Philosophical English Classic Lines(2)

关于力量关于台词关于哲理关于爱关于生活道理关于责任 Trust is a fragile thing,once earned,it affords us tremendous freedm;but once trust is lost,it can be impossible to recover.Of course the truth is,we never know who we can trust.Those we are closest to ca...

Trust is a fragile thing,once earned,it affords us tremendous freedm;but once trust is lost,it can be impossible to recover.Of course the truth is,we never know who we can trust.Those we are closest to can betray us.And total strangers can come to our rescue.In the end,most people decide to truse only themselves.It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.


Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.


Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavyfor some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.


It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is,it can sustain us through trying times,or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices;it can force decent man to commit the darkest deeds,or compel ordinary woman to search for hidden truths.And long after we're gone,love remains burned into our memories.We all search for love,but some of us,after we found it,wish we hadn't.


Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.



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