关于晨练的想法Doing Morning Exercises

关于morning exercise关于兴趣关于原则关于生活规律 “Youcan take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.”However,many university authorities fail to fully appreciate such a seemingly simpleprinciple in their management. In some universities, n...
关于morning exercise关于兴趣关于原则关于生活规律

“Youcan take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.”However,many university authorities fail to fully appreciate such a seemingly simpleprinciple in their management. In some universities, no matter they like it ornot, students are forced to take morning exercise in the form of running orjogging. Without a minimum record in the physical exercises, there is littlechance for students to be conferred with their diploma even if all the othergraduation requirements are met. For my part, this policy is too rigid to playa positive role in encouraging sports activities among students.


First of all, this establishedregulation may go against some student’s living rhythms and throw theirbiological clock into order. In some university, students are required to run800 meters between six thirty to seven AM for at least 50 times in onesemester. For those who are accustomed to studying late at night, thisregulation has posed much difficulty in balancing their life order. If theymaintain their old style of working at night, if will surely be quite hard toget up and do the running in the next morning. And what’s more, lack ofsufficient rest will interfere with the morning classes. We can imagine howhard they will struggle studying at night. They may find themselves functioningless effectively during the day.


Secondly, it neglects students’various interests in different kinds of sports. With the increasing priority onindividual interests, students should be granted the right to choose the formand time of doing sports to keep it.


From the above discussion, we may conclude that students should not be forced into abidingby the policy of doing morning sports. University authorities could exercisemore flexibility over the arrangements.



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