学生一起做早操是好事吗?Is Doing Morning Exercise Together Good for Students?

关于做早操关于做早操的好处关于集体早操 Since students go to school, they have to obey the school rules. Most schools give the students the order that they must do morning exercise together. I have been forced to do this for many years, as for me, I hate i...

Since students go to school, they have to obey the school rules. Most schools give the students the order that they must do morning exercise together. I have been forced to do this for many years, as for me, I hate it, but I have to admit that doing morning exercise makes me stronger.


For many students, of course they hate to do morning exercise together, the school rules force them get up in the early morning, making them not sleep enough. At the same time, students will lack of independence, they get used to doing things by someone forcing them, when they leave school, without teachers’ supervisor, they become lazy.


While students hate to do morning exercise, they have to admit that it brings them goodness, doing morning exercise for a long time can make their bodies healthy. Let’s see this, the ones who takes exercise is not easy to catch cold than the one who doesn’t take exercise. Only when students are equipped with sound bodies, they can work better.


Morning exercise is hated by students, but the fact is that students should take more exercise, they should keep it as their habits.



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