太空授课激发孩子的梦想 Lecture from Space Inspires Children's Dreams

关于space lecture关于中国梦关于太空授课关于神州十号关于航天梦 It’sreported that there are more than sixty million students and teachers watchedthe first space lecture hosted by Wang Yaping in the Tiangong-1. It has arousedhot concern and discussion. The...
关于space lecture关于中国梦关于太空授课关于神州十号关于航天梦

It’sreported that there are more than sixty million students and teachers watchedthe first space lecture hosted by Wang Yaping in the Tiangong-1. It has arousedhot concern and discussion. The lecture was about motion in micro-gravityenvironments and the surface tension of liquid in space, as well as theconcepts of weight, mass and Newton's Law. Many people say this activity willproduce far-reaching impact. It will first inspire children’s interest in spaceand then to work hard. In addition, youth people can be more intuitive accessto aerospace knowledge by this way. Their interaction with the astronauts wouldmake children are no longer strangers to the distant universe, so that stimulatestheir love of science and knowledge of worship, develop lofty ideals in theheart of aerospace. In short, scientific knowledge has helped open a window forthe youngsters to know about the universe. I am sure that this activity willtake root in youngers’ heart as a seed, and ultimately grow into toweringtrees.



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