我喜欢音乐 I Like Music

关于habit 关于music festival关于my hobby关于开心关于我的爱好关于音乐节 I believe everybody has their own hobby. Different people have different hobbies. For me, my hobby is music. I like music very much. It is magical for me. It gives me the sense of happ...
关于habit 关于music festival关于my hobby关于开心关于我的爱好关于音乐节 I believe everybody has their own hobby. Different people have different hobbies. For me, my hobby is music. I like music very much. It is magical for me. It gives me the sense of happiness. It can make me happy when I am sad. I will listen to music every day. I listen to it on my way home and school, before fall asleep in bed and eat. Sometimes I will try to sing songs.


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