Campus Love 校园恋情

关于影响关于校园恋情关于爱情关于观点关于讨论 With the change of society, campus love has become acommon phenomenon. However, people have conflicting views on this phenomenon.And heated debates are right on their way.Some people prefer to say that love wil...

With the change of society, campus love has become acommon phenomenon. However, people have conflicting views on this phenomenon.And heated debates are right on their way.

Some people prefer to say that love will bring somebad influences to students’ study. They point out that those who fall in lovewill pay more attention to their relationship and they will lag behind instudy. Especially, when they are disappointed in a love affair, they would bein low spirit and have no willingness to learn any more. Therefore, campus loveshould not be encouraged. But others, in the contrary, claim that love is animpetus for their study. Love can bring some comfort and warmth to them. Forthis reason, they can get more power to learn. In addition, being crossed inlove is a chance for them to realize themselves and others clearer. And theybelieved that they will be more mature after that.

In my point of view, there is something in the firstview but the second view has more convincingness. Therefore, when we fall inlove, it would be better if we can deal with the relationship well between loveand study.


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