名人代言新规定The New Rules on Celebrities as Products’ Spokesperson

关于advertising关于celebrity关于Spokesperson关于代言关于名人关于广告 It is often to be seen that the manufacturers like to spend a lot of money to make the hot stars to be the products’ spokespersons. People are easy to be attracted by the stars and are...
关于advertising关于celebrity关于Spokesperson关于代言关于名人关于广告 It is often to be seen that the manufacturers like to spend a lot of money to make the hot stars to be the products’ spokespersons. People are easy to be attracted by the stars and are willing to buy the products. But recently, the government has announced some new rules on regulating the spokespersons.
On the one hand, the children who are below ten years old can’t be the spokespersons. Such children are too small, they don’t have the ability to recognize the world, so they can’t figure out whether the products are good or bad. The customers will be cheated by the fake ads.
On the other hand, the spokespersons must advocate the products according to the fact. In order to catch the customers’ attention, some manufacturers ask the celebrities to speak for the products that are not suitable for them. Like the tampon, the male stars should not become the spokespersons, because they don’t use it.
These new rules are good to correct the improper ads, what’s more, the customers will not be misled by the exaggerated facts.


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