如何定义成功 What Is the Definition of Success

关于如何获得成功关于金钱与成功 When people talk about success, they will think of the reputation and great fortune naturally. In the long time, the screen image of successful person always connect with the position like CEO or the person who makes great d...
关于如何获得成功关于金钱与成功 When people talk about success, they will think of the reputation and great fortune naturally. In the long time, the screen image of successful person always connect with the position like CEO or the person who makes great difference. Actually, I think the definition of success is not just like the traditional idea.

When we are in school, the teacher always tell us to learn hard, so as to make a lot of money and then become the successful person. But as I grow up, I realize that we have the limited impression about success. I have seen some rich people, who felt lost and did not know what they should fight for, or some people who get paid high but needed to overwork all the time. Of course, these people are successful according to the traditional opinion, but I think the ordinary people who live the happy life should be the part to be considered.

The measure of success lies in the positive attitude to life and the happiness he owns. These can't be bought by money, they are the most precious things in life. If a person lives the happy life, then he enjoys the success.


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