我追求的偶像 The Idol I Follow

关于外在美还是内在美关于我最喜欢的明星 Like every child, I will chase idol. For a small girl like me, I am very easy to be attracted by handsome faces. The idol I follow is also the handsome young guy. But as I grow up, the standard of idol has changed fo...
关于外在美还是内在美关于我最喜欢的明星 Like every child, I will chase idol. For a small girl like me, I am very easy to be attracted by handsome faces. The idol I follow is also the handsome young guy. But as I grow up, the standard of idol has changed for me. Pretty appearance is no longer the only thing that attracts me. I pay special attention to the person's talent and attitude. Some people are good looking but the media exposes his rude manner to fans and bad lifestyle, then I think even the perfect appearance can't save his image in my heart. Beautiful soul decides whether the person is a good idol.


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