书信 The Letter

关于一封信关于我最好的朋友 Nowadays, with the development of Internet, people don't write letters often, especially for the young people. They like to text message or type in the computer. But last week, I got a letter from a foreign friend, whom I met on...
关于一封信关于我最好的朋友 Nowadays, with the development of Internet, people don't write letters often, especially for the young people. They like to text message or type in the computer. But last week, I got a letter from a foreign friend, whom I met one year ago. When I received the letter, I was so excited, because my foreign friend didn't forget me. Then I found the date was half a year ago. There must be something delayed during its journey, so I sent an email to my friend. Luckily, she returned, and we contacted with each other again. Now we communicate a lot and share about the different culture. I cherish our friendship so much. It is not easy for us to contact with each other, because I forgot to write down her information last year. It is good to be remembered by someone.


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