迎接新挑战 Embracing New Challenges

关于战胜困难关于迎接挑战关于迎接新挑战 People always talk about age, because age reflects their state of mind, which is something universal despite different family, social or cultural backgrounds. The age of 21 is a sensitive time, people at that age wil...

People always talk about age, because age reflects their state of mind, which is something universal despite different family, social or cultural backgrounds. The age of 21 is a sensitive time, people at that age will face the turning point, they meet new challenges.

In western country, 21 is the age at which young people traditionally receive a key to their parents’ door, as a symbol of entering adulthood. People at the age of 21 will ask themselves that where should they go in the future. For college students, they are thrilled at the prospect of starting their careers within a year. While as the global recession gets intense, some have to scale down their ambitions. They will realize that being realistic, instead of frustrated, is the solution.
The age of 21 is also a time to step out of your comfort zone, it is a time to explore the outside world, when you are ready to do so. You have been protected by your family all the time, you should embrace new challenges bravely, get out of the protecting zone, ready to open the new chapter of your life.
When people come to the age of 21, it means they are adults, they should take responsibility of themselves, to be fearless and embrace new challenges.


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