专业的选择 The Option of Major

关于我的第一份工作关于职业规划 Before we go to college, the first important choice to make is the major. Most high school students don't have idea about what they want to learn, so they listen to their parents'opinion. Some will regret as they learn the m...
关于我的第一份工作关于职业规划 Before we go to college, the first important choice to make is the major. Most high school students don't have idea about what they want to learn, so they listen to their parents'opinion. Some will regret as they learn the major. The option of major deserves to think twice.

The most important factor is interest. During the four years, learning the specialized knowledge must be with passion, or students will feel lost and waste the precious time to improve themselves. As the saying that interest is the best teacher, a lot of successful persons start their career with their passion. They use what they learn in the college and make a great difference.

For some students, they prefer to choose the major that the market needs. Actually, it is the hot choice, because they still can keep their interest as hobby. When they learn the hot skills, which help them to win opportunity in the job market, they combine the job with their hobby and come up with creative ideas.

The major we choose occupies great importance, but it will not surely decide your future job. When we find the balance between interest and reality, we will succeed someday.


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