真正的中国 The Real China

关于中国关于骄傲 Many Chinese people believe that the big country like America is very powerful and it is the capital of the world. Actually, people have been brainwashed by the Hollywood films and start to undervalue our country. One the one hand, we hav...
关于中国关于骄傲 Many Chinese people believe that the big country like America is very powerful and it is the capital of the world. Actually, people have been brainwashed by the Hollywood films and start to undervalue our country. One the one hand, we have a history of more than 5,000 years and the diversity makes us special. A lot of foreigners come to visit China and are surprised by its beauty. On the other hand, China develops very fast and has made some great achievements in the world. such as the high speed train, while the first high speed train is still being built in America. We should be proud of our country.


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