美国人口普查 Census in America

关于人口关于人口普查关于美国关于金发 Census is very important for every country, it can tell the changes of the population and help the government to carry out some policies. In America, the government counts the population every ten years and the latest...
关于人口关于人口普查关于美国关于金发 Census is very important for every country, it can tell the changes of the population and help the government to carry out some policies. In America, the government counts the population every ten years and the latest census was in 2010. The results of the census show some changes in this country. First, the growth of the population is very slow. It is obvious that the more rich, the less children people want to have, because they want to focus their energy on the career and when they have time, they would rather enjoy the personal hour. Second, the number of immigrants is increasing, which will become the majority of American population. What’s more, the immigrants give birth to children more than the local people do, so it has been predicted that in the future, the gene of blond hair and blue eyes will disappear.


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