我喜欢的居住方式 The Way I Like to Reside

关于country关于乡下关于农村关于居住方式关于日落 When I was small, there were so many people lived in the countryside, but as the economy developed, more and more people moved to the city. Living in the city, people can get more ways to amuse, but I prefer...
关于country关于乡下关于农村关于居住方式关于日落 When I was small, there were so many people lived in the countryside, but as the economy developed, more and more people moved to the city. Living in the city, people can get more ways to amuse, but I prefer to live in the countryside.

When I lived in the countryside, the memory was so beautiful. Early in the morning, I walked on the road, it is so quiet and the dogs were running. The mountains were right in front of me, they surrounded me. Living in the country, I was so close to the nature. But when I moved to the city, there were so many noises, people always closed their door and I never knew who was living next to me. Though people live in the gorgeous environment, but they seem to be a little cold.
当我住在农村,记忆是如此的美丽。清晨, 我走在路上, 很清静,狗在路上跑。大山在我面前, 围着我。生活在乡村, 我是如此接近大自然。但当我搬到城市,有很多噪音,人们总是关闭了他们的门,我从不知道谁住在我隔壁。虽然人们住在华丽的环境里,但是他们看上去有点冷漠。

The important reason that I like to reside in the country is that the house there are big. As there are more land and space, so I can live in the big house and can appreciate the scenery, like the sunset and the stars. I’d rather to live in the countryside, though the house is not that nice.


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