亚洲人的刻板印象 The Stereotype of Asian People

关于文化差异关于第一印象 According to the research of American population in 2014, it has been reported that Asian people were only about 6% in America, which was a very small group. Thus, it means that most American people don’t have the chance to commu...
关于文化差异关于第一印象 According to the research of American population in 2014, it has been reported that Asian people were only about 6% in America, which was a very small group. Thus, it means that most American people don’t have the chance to communicate with Asian people and what they know about Asia is from the media. The sad thing is that the media like to create the stereotype of Asian people, which is showed in the screen. We can see the Asian image from the movie, who are often rude and impolite. American people know little about Asian people. They should travel to other lands and learn to embrace the diversity. Then they will find that they get the wrong idea about other lands.


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