多媒体技术与教育 Multimedia Technology and Education

关于attention关于multimedia technolog关于teaching method关于多媒体技术关于教学方式关于注意力 Nowadays,multimedia teaching devices have been brought into public concern and theheating debates are right on their way. Some people hold that multimediatechnolo...
关于attention关于multimedia technolog关于teaching method关于多媒体技术关于教学方式关于注意力

Nowadays,multimedia teaching devices have been brought into public concern and theheating debates are right on their way. Some people hold that multimediatechnology is necessary and significant to students’ learning while others holdopposite views. From my point of the view, I am in favor of the former and Iconsider that multimedia technology has a great contribution to teaching aswell as its use is a great progress in education.


Thereare reasons accounting for my view. First, multimedia technology provides moreways and wider resources for students’ learning. Compared with the traditionalteaching model, multimedia technology allows teachers to use more flexible andvarious ways to spread knowledge. Second, based on the first reason, multimediatechnology will rise students’ interest and make them more concentrated ontheir class because it allows teachers to use not only words but also picturesand sound to present their courses. Therefore, with the help of multimediatechnology, our learning will be more effective and efficient.


Iam also agree with some people’s view that the technology often distractstudents’ attention from real learning sometimes, but I think its advantages farweight than its disadvantages.


Inshort, I consider that multimedia technology has a great contribution toteaching. Therefore, I advocate that all schools should try to use it inteaching and introduce more advanced technologies to improve our education.



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