伦敦奥运会中国代表团成立The Establishment of the Chinese Delegation of the London Olympic Ga

关于中国关于代表团关于刘翔关于奥运会关于孙杨 July 10, the Chinese delegation of the London Olympic Games was established in Beijing. China will send 396 athletes in 23 sports to the upcoming London Olympic Games.7月10号,伦敦奥运会中国代表团在北京成立。中...

July 10, the Chinese delegation of the London Olympic Games was established in Beijing. China will send 396 athletes in 23 sports to the upcoming London Olympic Games.


The team, consisting of 171 men and 225 women athletes, will also be accompanied by 225 officials for the Games which start on July 27. According to the Chinese Olympic Committee, China will be represented in 23 of 26 sports at the Summer Games after it has filed to quality for soccer, equestrian and handball.


At Beijing 2008, host China sent its biggest-ever Olympic team of 639 athletes who finally won 51 gold medals, and stunned the world by standing on top of the medal table on home soil. By winning 51 golds, 21 silvers and 28 bronzes, China also relegated the mighty United States to second place. Now China will look to extend its domination to London as the squad has been strenghtened by comeback men's 110m hurdling star Liuxiang and swimming prodigy Sunyang.


However, the head of delegation seems not so optimistic. He said that the athletes from around the world had worked very hard for the Games and they were so eager to make breakthrough and won medals, so the competitions wiould be hotly contested. As for our athletes must get fully prepared and ready to face the challenges. They have to fight for each gold.



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