外貌与勤奋 Appearance and Deligence

关于努力关于外貌关于奥运会 Before the Rio Olympic Games came, the media reported some players that caught people’s attention. There is no doubt that these players have beautiful faces, which helps them win the attention. But the more important thing is t...
关于努力关于外貌关于奥运会 Before the Rio Olympic Games came, the media reported some players that caught people’s attention. There is no doubt that these players have beautiful faces, which helps them win the attention. But the more important thing is that they are not only talented, but also work very hard. The chance to take part in the Olympic Games means the players are excellent and they have stood out in their countries. If they win the golden medal in the Olympic Games, they will gain great fame and money around the world. The beautiful face brings players the market potential, which means they will be famous easily, but on the condition that they are the top players. Mariah Sharapova is the best example. She is beautiful and top tennis player all the time. So ability decides our position on the society.


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