
illegal felling of these precious natural re sources. Besides, new trees should be continuously planted in place of those which have died. If everyone loved trees, our world would be far more beautiful than it is now. 树与人类生活幸褔息息相关。首先,它们有...

illegal felling of these precious natural re sources. Besides, new trees should be continuously planted in place of those which have died. If everyone loved trees, our world would be far more beautiful than it is now.



(2)No one can live without trees around him. Trees can not only protect soil and water from being lost because of heavy rain and storms, but also beautify our lovely earth. When we enjoy wandering in the forest or watching the mountain covered with green trees, we feel a heart content as well as to the eyes.

Seeing that trees are so important in human lives, we can't destroy them in order to get more land to build factories or dams; instead, the government should institute laws to protect them. Besides, all of us ought to love these green scenes by true feeling, and then out country and world will be a beautiful green paradise in the future.


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