相亲节目 On Dating Shows

关于电视节目关于相亲关于看法关于观点关于负面影响关于限制 At present, dating shows have been very popular inpeople’s lives. No matter how busy the people are, they will grasp any chancesto watch this kind of shows as much as possible. As the time elapses,...

At present, dating shows have been very popular inpeople’s lives. No matter how busy the people are, they will grasp any chancesto watch this kind of shows as much as possible. As the time elapses, a growingnumber of dating shows have appeared on television.

Many factors account for this phenomenon. To beginwith, these shows provide a chance for the single to search for their dates sothat they think that they have more opportunities to break away from the singleidentities and even get married. Furthermore, some people are on account ofamusement to watch this kind of shows. They will feel funny and happy whenwatching others dating. Last but not least, the funny form and the relaxatmosphere of these shows have also made a great contribution to its audienceratings.

However, for my part, I advocate that these datingshows should be restricted to some extent. Some people who have dated in these showsuse the artificial identities to cheat others. In addition, these shows havebrought some bad impacts on our national spirits because it advocatesmaterialism in some way. Therefore, to avoid these problems, some actionsshould be taken to restrict these shows.


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