父母的教育 Parents' Education

关于名人父母关于教育方式 Recently, the calling of Bear Kid is very popular. It means the children who make mistakes but they will not admit their mistakes. When people are criticizing the Bear Kid, the parents are condemned by the public first. As the say...
关于名人父母关于教育方式 Recently, the calling of Bear Kid is very popular. It means the children who make mistakes but they will not admit their mistakes. When people are criticizing the Bear Kid, the parents are condemned by the public first. As the saying that children are parents' mirror, which means parents' education is very important. It decides the children's characters. When children are making mistakes, parents' first reaction is to educate and correct the mistakes. The bad situation is that some terrible adults blame other people instead of educating their children. The parents will pay the bill someday for not offering the right education. I believe that most parents set the good examples for the young generation.


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