女生节Girls’ Day

关于girl's day关于女生的节日关于女生节 March7 is Girls’ Day, it is the day before Women’s Day, during the last decade, Girls’ Day has becoming more and more popular. In the school, the slogans are so interesting, these slogans are put forward by the bo...
关于girl's day关于女生的节日关于女生节 March7 is Girls’ Day, it is the day before Women’s Day, during the last decade, Girls’ Day has becoming more and more popular. In the school, the slogans are so interesting, these slogans are put forward by the boys, they are showing their praises to the girls. Like “Girls, you are the only wife that my mother pointed.” How interesting. Actually, the slogans are always praising girls in a humorous way. I like Girls’ Day, I will get a gift from the boys in my class, it is nothing with love relationship, only friends. In the street, I find the girls are so happy, some get flowers from boys, some get other presents.


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