捉小鸟 Catching the Bird

关于可爱的动物关于家乡关于玩游戏 When I lived in my hometown, I could play a lot of games with my friends. Such as I could catch fish in the river, and I could play the game of hide and seek in the mountain. I like living in the countryside so much, the c...
关于可爱的动物关于家乡关于玩游戏 When I lived in my hometown, I could play a lot of games with my friends. Such as I could catch fish in the river, and I could play the game of hide and seek in the mountain. I like living in the countryside so much, the closeness to the nature brings me much pleasure. There is a tree in front of my house, someday, I found bird’s nest in it. So I asked a couple of my friends to climbed up the tree. We wanted to catch the little bird. But when I saw these lovely creature, I changed my idea. I did not mean to hurt them. I gave up my plan, I realized that every life was precious.


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