更多的时间还是更多的金钱More Free Time or More Money

关于money关于relationship关于time关于时间关于重要性关于金钱 Some people in the rest of life are looking for opportunities. They have plenty of time, but don’t own too much money. So every day for them is long and even suffering. Some people have much mon...
关于money关于relationship关于time关于时间关于重要性关于金钱 Some people in the rest of life are looking for opportunities. They have plenty of time, but don’t own too much money. So every day for them is long and even suffering. Some people have much money, but always feel that time is very unfair to him, and said: Why am I busy all day? They want more freedom. Time and money, which is more important in our life? Different people have different views. As for me, I think we should take this problem into two sides.
Young people, especially graduates, should make more money to support their life. When we are young, we should experience more different and challenge jobs, then find an appropriate job to make money. Young is the capital. Young people are more intelligent and having more energy. They have many advantages in making money than the old. So, young people should make use of their character to make more money.
When we are no longer young, or married, we need more time to stay with our family. In this period, if we have made enough money before, we will live more comfortable. What’s more, health is quite important for everyone, we could not ignore our health for making money. It should base on the healthy body. No health, no life. When we are no longer young, we shall allocate more free time to ourselves to build relationship with families.
In a word, money is important, but we should earn more money in the case of there is enough time to learn. Time and money, they are complementing each other. We need to coordinate the relationship between free time and money, and choose the most appropriate life style.


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