民间借贷 private lending

关于money关于usury关于金钱关于高利贷 中国人民银行有关负责人日前接受媒体采访时表示,民间借贷是正规金融有益和必要的补充,具有制度层面的合法性。今后将致力于引导民间资本规范从事资金借贷活动,鼓励民间借贷规范化、阳光化运作,发展多层次信贷市场,满足社会多元化融...



The Chinese government is considering establishing a monitoring system for private lendingactivities after a severe debt crisis of small firms in east China brought the informal lending market into spotlight.


文中的private lending就是指“民间借贷”,出具资金的就是individual creditors(个人债主)。同时,央行还将继续打击illegal fundraising(非法集资)、usury(高利贷)和money laundering(洗钱)。

有关负责人表示,今后将bring private lending into the sunlight(鼓励民间借贷阳光化运作),发展multi-level credit market(多层次信贷市场)。此前,由于信贷紧缩,导致cash shortages(资金短缺),不少small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)(中小企业)出现停工现象。


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